Artificial Intelligence: Addressing 12 Challenges and the ‘Existential Threat’ – Insights from MPs

Last updated on August 31st, 2023 at 04:55 pm

In a world rapidly evolving with technological advancements, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a topic of both fascination and concern. Members of the Science, Innovation and Technology Committee in the UK have identified twelve challenges that must be addressed regarding AI, including the potential ‘existential threat’ it may pose to human life. Public wellbeing and national security are among the key concerns that were listed, urging government regulation to focus on safeguarding against the risks associated with AI. As world leaders prepare to discuss the possibilities and risks of AI at an upcoming summit, it becomes increasingly important to explore how we can harness the potential of AI while mitigating potential harm.

Artificial Intelligence: Addressing 12 Challenges and the Existential Threat - Insights from MPs

Existential Threat

Artificial intelligence (AI) has garnered significant attention in recent years, and one of the key concerns surrounding its development is the potential existential threat it poses to human life. Experts have warned that if AI is not properly regulated, it could lead to disastrous consequences. This issue should be a top priority for governments around the world in order to ensure national security and protect the wellbeing of their citizens.


Another challenge that must be addressed in the development of AI is bias. AI systems have the potential to introduce new biases or perpetuate existing biases in society. This can lead to unfair or discriminatory outcomes, affecting various aspects of our lives, such as employment, healthcare, and criminal justice. Recognizing and mitigating bias in AI algorithms is crucial to ensure fairness and equal opportunities for all individuals.

Artificial Intelligence: Addressing 12 Challenges and the Existential Threat - Insights from MPs


The utilization of AI requires vast amounts of data, often including sensitive information about individuals or businesses. Protecting privacy is essential in the development and deployment of AI systems. There must be robust regulations in place to safeguard personal and sensitive data from unauthorized access or misuse. Striking a balance between harnessing the power of AI and protecting individual privacy is a key challenge that needs to be addressed.


Language models like ChatGPT have the ability to generate text that may misrepresent someone’s behavior, personal views, and character. This raises concerns about the potential for manipulation and misinformation. It is crucial to develop mechanisms to minimize the risk of misrepresentation in AI-generated content and ensure its accuracy and accountability.

Artificial Intelligence: Addressing 12 Challenges and the Existential Threat - Insights from MPs


AI systems require massive amounts of data to train effectively. The acquisition and management of such large datasets pose significant challenges, including data quality, accessibility, and data ethics. It is essential to establish standards and guidelines for data collection, storage, and usage in order to ensure reliable and unbiased AI models.

Computing Power

Developing the most powerful AI models requires enormous computing power. This demand for computing resources raises concerns about energy consumption, environmental impact, and accessibility. Finding sustainable and efficient ways to power AI systems is crucial to minimize their environmental footprint and ensure equitable access to this technology.

Artificial Intelligence: Addressing 12 Challenges and the Existential Threat - Insights from MPs


One of the key challenges with AI is the lack of transparency in how AI models arrive at their decisions. AI models often struggle to explain why they produce a particular result or where the information comes from. Developing transparent and interpretable AI systems is essential for building trust and ensuring accountability. Efforts should be made to enhance the transparency of AI algorithms and make them understandable to end-users.


Generative models, such as text, image, audio, or video generators, often make use of existing content. Protecting copyright and intellectual property rights is crucial to avoid undermining the creative industries. Balancing the need for innovation and creativity with the protection of existing content is a challenge that requires careful consideration.

Artificial Intelligence: Addressing 12 Challenges and the Existential Threat - Insights from MPs


Determining liability in cases where AI tools are used to do harm is a complex issue. Policymakers must establish frameworks that clarify the responsibilities of developers or providers of AI systems in case of negative outcomes. Striking a balance between accountability and innovation is essential to ensure that AI is developed and deployed responsibly.


The increased adoption of AI technologies will inevitably have an impact on existing jobs. Policymakers must anticipate and address the potential displacement of workers due to AI automation. Promoting reskilling and upskilling initiatives is crucial to ensure a smooth transition and provide new job opportunities in the era of AI.


Openness and collaboration are key to addressing the challenges of AI. Making the computer code behind AI models openly available enables more dependable regulation, promotes transparency, and encourages innovation. Emphasizing openness in the development and deployment of AI systems can lead to improved accountability and public trust.

International Coordination

The development of AI regulation should be an international undertaking. Collaboration and coordination between countries are essential to ensure consistent global standards and avoid regulatory fragmentation. The upcoming summit at Bletchley Park provides an opportunity for world leaders to come together and discuss these challenges, welcoming as wide a range of countries as possible. International cooperation is crucial in addressing the global impact of AI.

In conclusion, the challenges outlined above are pressing concerns that must be addressed when it comes to the development and regulation of AI. From existential threats to biases, privacy concerns, and misrepresentation, there are numerous complex issues that require comprehensive solutions. By addressing these challenges head-on and fostering international cooperation, we can harness the potential of AI while ensuring safety, fairness, and transparency in its use. It is essential for governments, policymakers, and industry leaders to work together to navigate the complexities of AI and shape a future that benefits humanity.

Original News Article – Artificial intelligence: 12 challenges with AI ‘must be addressed’ – including ‘existential threat’, MPs warn

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