Game-changing exascale computer planned for Edinburgh

Last updated on October 17th, 2023 at 10:44 am

Edinburgh is set to become the home of a groundbreaking exascale computer, cementing its position as a hub for technological innovation and economic growth. This next-generation compute system, which is 50 times more powerful than the current top-end system in the UK, has the potential to revolutionize advancements in artificial intelligence, medicine, and clean energy. As the UK government continues to invest in computing capacity, the exascale system hosted at the University of Edinburgh will support critical research in AI safety and development, while also creating high-skilled jobs. This investment underscores the government’s commitment to remain at the forefront of scientific discovery and technological innovation, driving economic growth and enhancing the lives of people across the country.

Game-changing exascale computer planned for Edinburgh

Edinburgh nominated to host next-generation compute system

Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, has been selected as the preferred choice to host a next-generation compute system. This system is expected to be one of the most powerful in the world and has the potential to revolutionize breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI), medicine, and clean low-carbon energy. The selection of Edinburgh as the host city for this compute system is part of the UK government’s continued investment in the country’s computing capacity.

Exascale system to revolutionize AI, medicine, and clean energy

The exascale system that will be hosted in Edinburgh has the potential to bring about significant advancements in the fields of AI, medicine, and clean energy. Exascale computing refers to the next frontier in computing power, where systems are built to carry out extremely complex functions with increased speed and precision. This will enable researchers to accelerate their work in areas such as drug development, nuclear fusion for clean energy production, and AI safety and development. The exascale system at the University of Edinburgh will provide researchers with a versatile resource to support groundbreaking work in these areas.

Benefits of exascale computing

Exascale computing offers a vast upgrade to the UK’s research, technology, and innovation capabilities. The increased computing power of an exascale system, measured in flops (floating point operations), is 50 times more powerful than the current top-end system in the UK. This significant increase in computing power will drive economic growth, productivity, and prosperity across the country. It will support the Prime Minister’s priorities and create new opportunities for high-skilled jobs.

Game-changing exascale computer planned for Edinburgh

Investment in UK computing capacity

The UK government has invested £900 million in uplifting the country’s computing capacity to maintain its position as a global leader in scientific discovery and technological innovation. The investment in the exascale compute system in Edinburgh is part of this initiative and will contribute to strengthening the UK as a global leader in scientific research and technology. The increased computing capability will enable scientists and researchers to tackle some of the most pressing challenges we face today and pave the way for groundbreaking discoveries.

High-skilled jobs for Edinburgh

The selection of Edinburgh as the host city for the next-generation compute system will create new high-skilled jobs in the region. This will not only drive economic growth but also support the Prime Minister’s priorities of creating opportunities for the future workforce. The high-skilled jobs will contribute to the prosperity of the city and its residents, further establishing Edinburgh as a hub for scientific research and technological innovation.

Upgrade to UK’s research, technology, and innovation capabilities

The exascale compute system hosted at the University of Edinburgh will provide a significant upgrade to the UK’s research, technology, and innovation capabilities. The state-of-the-art compute infrastructure will play a critical role in advancing research and innovation across a wide range of applications. From drug design to energy security and extreme weather modeling, the exascale system will benefit communities across the UK. It will support emerging technologies and interdisciplinary collaborations, leading to game-changing insights and discoveries.

State-of-the-art compute infrastructure

The exascale compute system in Edinburgh will be housed at the University of Edinburgh, which already hosts ARCHER2, one of the world’s most powerful computing systems. The state-of-the-art compute infrastructure will provide researchers with the tools and resources they need to carry out cutting-edge scientific research and innovation. The advanced infrastructure will facilitate diverse applications, from drug design to energy security and extreme weather modeling, benefiting communities across the UK.

Support from Secretary of State for Scotland

The selection of Edinburgh as the host city for the exascale compute system has received support from the Secretary of State for Scotland, Alister Jack. The recognition of the vital work carried out by ARCHER2 in Edinburgh and the potential of the new exascale system to bring highly skilled jobs to the region highlights the government’s commitment to science, innovation, and economic growth. The support from the Secretary of State for Scotland demonstrates the importance of the exascale compute system in driving progress and development in the region.

Bristol to host new AI supercomputer

In addition to the exascale compute system in Edinburgh, Bristol has been chosen to host a new AI supercomputer named Isambard-AI. This supercomputer will be one of the most powerful for AI in Europe and will act as part of the national AI Research Resource (AIRR). The AIRR aims to maximize the potential of AI and support critical work around the safe development and use of AI technology. The selection of Bristol as the host city for the AI supercomputer further showcases the UK’s commitment to advancing AI research and innovation.

Global AI Safety Summit

The UK is preparing to host the world’s first AI Safety Summit, which will take place on 1st and 2nd November. The summit will bring together global stakeholders, including leading countries, technology organizations, academics, and civil society, to address the risks and maximize the benefits of AI. With the advancements in AI technology, it is crucial to establish global consensus on the safe development and use of AI to ensure its potential is harnessed for the benefit of humanity. The AI Safety Summit reflects the UK’s commitment to responsible AI development and its role as a leader in AI research and innovation.

Original News Article – Game-changing exascale computer planned for Edinburgh

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