Facebook’s new AI-generated stickers are lewd, rude, and occasionally nude

Last updated on October 4th, 2023 at 07:11 pm

Meta’s new AI-generated stickers have been causing quite a stir, with some users discovering that the feature can produce inappropriate and even offensive images. From child soldiers and nude politicians to characters like Mickey Mouse and Sonic the Hedgehog engaged in less-than-appropriate activities, the AI-generated stickers seem to have a mischievous streak. Even Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hasn’t been spared, as there are reportedly nude illustrations of him circulating in sticker form. While Meta is rolling out the feature slowly and blocking certain words, users have still found ways to generate inappropriate content. It remains to be seen how Meta will address and correct this issue, but for now, it seems that AI artistry has taken a cheeky turn.

Metas AI-Generated Stickers: Lewd, Rude, and Occasionally Nude


Meta, formerly known as Facebook, recently introduced an AI-generated sticker tool that allows users to create unique and high-quality stickers using text-based prompts. However, early user tests have revealed some inappropriate creations resulting from the use of this tool. The controversial stickers include images of child soldiers, gun-wielding Nintendo characters, Mickey Mouse in compromising situations, and even nude illustrations of Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau. These lewd, rude, and occasionally nude stickers have sparked controversy and raised concerns about the AI-generated content produced by Meta’s new tool.

Inappropriate Creations Resulting from User Tests

One user, @Pioldes, shared their experience of creating inappropriate sticker images using Meta’s AI-generated sticker tool. They were able to generate a wide range of questionable stickers, including depictions of child soldiers and Nintendo characters wielding guns. These creations highlight the potential for misuse and offensive content that can be produced through this tool. Reports from other users also emerged, confirming the generation of inappropriate images using the AI-generated stickers.

Metas AI-Generated Stickers: Lewd, Rude, and Occasionally Nude

Examples of Inappropriate Sticker Images

The inappropriate sticker images created through Meta’s AI-generated sticker tool are both shocking and unconventional. Some examples include depictions of child soldiers and gun-wielding Nintendo characters. Cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse are shown in compromising situations, and even Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau is featured in nude illustrations. Additionally, stickers portraying Sonic the Hedgehog and Karl Marx with busty attributes were created, displaying the tool’s ability to add sexual innuendos to characters. Perhaps the most controversial sticker is the one depicting a woman breastfeeding Pikachu. These examples underscore the lewd and occasionally nude nature of the stickers generated by this AI tool.

Announcement and Availability of AI-Generated Stickers

Meta unveiled its AI-generated chat stickers during the Connect event, along with an AI image editor for Instagram. The stickers, powered by Meta’s Llama 2 large language model, offer users the ability to create multiple unique and high-quality stickers within seconds through text-based prompts. Currently, the AI-generated stickers are being rolled out to select English language users, available on platforms such as Facebook Stories, Instagram Stories and DMs, Messenger, and WhatsApp. The limited availability of the feature raises questions about its widespread dissemination and potential impact on users.

Metas AI-Generated Stickers: Lewd, Rude, and Occasionally Nude

Restricted Words and Community Guidelines

Meta has implemented measures to restrict certain words and warn users about potential violations of community guidelines. When users attempt to use blocked words in their prompts, they receive a warning indicating that their description might violate Meta’s community guidelines. Despite these efforts, some users have found ways to generate inappropriate content using typos or descriptions that bypass the restrictions. For instance, troubling images related to “World Trade Center” were generated without any additional descriptors. These challenges highlight the need for Meta to strengthen its filters and ensure that inappropriate content is not generated through the AI-generated sticker tool.

Tomfoolery with AI  Tools

The occurrence of tomfoolery and misuse during the launch of AI tools is not uncommon. Similar instances have been observed in the past, where users exploit new technologies for comedic or offensive purposes. Meta acknowledges this potential for abuse and intends to address and rectify such issues before they spread to a larger audience. The limited rollout of the AI-generated sticker feature serves as a proactive approach to mitigate the dissemination of inappropriate content and allow Meta to make necessary adjustments based on user feedback.

Metas AI-Generated Stickers: Lewd, Rude, and Occasionally Nude

Limited Rollout of the Feature

Meta’s decision to roll out the AI-generated sticker feature to a select group of English language users is strategic and aims to prevent the widespread dissemination of inappropriate content. By limiting the availability, Meta can closely monitor the usage of the tool, tackle any abuses or controversies that arise, and implement necessary updates or improvements. This controlled approach ensures that Meta can gauge the reactions and concerns of users, allowing them to respond effectively to the issues surrounding the AI-generated stickers.

Meta’s Response

In light of the controversy surrounding the AI-generated stickers, efforts have been made to seek comment from Meta. The response from the company is eagerly awaited to shed light on their perspective on the matter, address the concerns raised, and outline any plans for modifications or additional safeguards. Providing an explanation and taking responsibility for the inappropriate content generated by the AI tool will be crucial for Meta to regain user trust and maintain a safe and respectful environment on their platforms.

Metas AI-Generated Stickers: Lewd, Rude, and Occasionally Nude

Comments on the Controversial Feature

Since the revelation of Meta’s AI-generated stickers and the resulting inappropriate content, users and the general public have expressed their opinions and reactions. Many have voiced their concerns about the offensive and explicit nature of the stickers, emphasizing the need for better content moderation and stricter guidelines. The controversy highlights the potential risks of AI-generated content and the importance of responsible implementation and oversight.


Meta’s AI-generated stickers have created a stir due to their lewd, rude, and occasionally nude nature. The inappropriate creations resulting from user tests, such as depictions of child soldiers and explicit cartoon characters, raise questions about the ethical considerations and safeguards in place. Meta’s limited rollout of the feature demonstrates a proactive approach to monitoring and addressing concerns, ensuring that appropriate modifications can be made before wider availability. The response from Meta will be crucial in determining their commitment to rectify the issues and uphold a safe environment for their users.

Original News Article – Facebook’s new AI-generated stickers are lewd, rude, and occasionally nude

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