AP Issues Guidelines on AI Use in Newsrooms

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Last updated on August 17th, 2023 at 10:11 am

The Associated Press (AP) has released guidelines on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in newsrooms. While AI tools like ChatGPT may be used for internal purposes such as story digests or generating headlines, AP highlights that AI should not be used to create publishable content or images. The guidelines aim to ensure that AI-produced material is carefully vetted and that journalists maintain responsibility for the accuracy and quality of their stories. AP’s Stylebook, a journalistic guide, will also include a chapter advising journalists on how to cover AI-related stories and will provide a glossary of terminology.

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AP Issues Guidelines on AI Use in Newsrooms

The Associated Press (AP) has recently released a set of guidelines on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in newsrooms. These guidelines provide important recommendations and standards for journalists and news organizations as they navigate the integration of AI technology into their reporting. The AP recognizes the potential of AI tools in journalism but emphasizes the need for caution and responsibility in their use.


AP is not alone in recognizing the importance of AI in news reporting. Other news organizations are also exploring the integration of tech tools like AI to enhance their journalistic practices. The rapid development of AI technology has brought about new possibilities and challenges for the field of journalism. In response to this, the Poynter Institute, a journalism think tank, has urged news organizations to establish standards for the use of AI and to share these policies with their readers and viewers.

AP’s Guidelines on AI Usage

The AP’s guidelines provide clear directives on how AI should and should not be used in the creation of publishable content and images. While AI technology can be a valuable tool in augmenting journalists’ work, the AP states that it should not replace journalists in creating news stories. The guidelines also emphasize the importance of journalists becoming familiar with AI technology so that they can effectively cover stories related to AI in the future.

Material Produced by AI

One significant aspect of the AP’s guidelines is the careful vetting of material produced by AI. Just like any other news source, AI-generated material must go through a rigorous verification process to ensure its credibility and reliability. The AP also highlights that if an AI-generated photo, video, or audio segment is used in a story, it should be clearly stated that the altered material itself is the subject of the story. This aligns with the approach taken by Wired, a leading tech magazine, which only publishes AI-generated stories when the fact that they are AI-generated is the central point of the story.

Generative AI

Generative AI refers to AI technology’s ability to create text, images, audio, and video on command. However, one of the challenges that come with generative AI is the distinction between fact and fiction. The AP’s guidelines emphasize the need for clear standards when it comes to AI-generated content. As AI becomes more sophisticated, it is essential for journalists and newsrooms to have mechanisms in place to verify the authenticity and accuracy of AI-generated material.

Use of AI in Newsrooms

The AP’s guidelines also provide insights into the various ways AI can be utilized in newsrooms without compromising journalistic integrity. For example, AI can assist in the creation of story digests, headline generation, and suggesting edits or interview questions. These tools can streamline journalists’ workflow and enhance their efficiency, ultimately leading to more impactful storytelling.

AI and Journalism

AI technology has far-reaching implications for the field of journalism. Its impact goes beyond just business and technology; it extends to politics, entertainment, education, sports, human rights, the economy, equality, and many other areas of life. Journalists need to understand AI and its implications to effectively report on these subjects. The AP’s upcoming chapter in its influential Stylebook will provide journalists with a comprehensive understanding of AI terminology and the factors to consider when reporting on AI-related stories.

AI’s Impact on Jobs

One concern often associated with the implementation of AI in newsrooms is the potential for job displacement. Some journalists worry that AI could eventually replace human jobs in journalism. This concern is reflected in the contract talks between the AP and its union, the News Media Guild. While AI can automate certain tasks, the AP’s guidelines underscore the importance of human journalists in ensuring the accuracy, fairness, originality, and quality of news stories. Journalists’ expertise and critical thinking abilities remain irreplaceable in the face of AI technology.

Protecting Intellectual Property

Another important aspect highlighted by the AP’s guidelines is the protection of news organizations’ intellectual property rights. News organizations, including the AP, have expressed concern about AI companies using their material without permission or proper compensation. The News Media Alliance, representing publishers, has issued a set of principles to safeguard their members’ intellectual property rights.

Journalists and AI

The AP’s guidelines indicate that while caution and responsibility are necessary in adopting AI technology, journalists should familiarize themselves with AI tools and developments. Journalists will need to report on AI-related stories in the future, and having a solid understanding of AI terminology and practices will be crucial. The AP’s ongoing commitment to updating its guidelines further reinforces the importance of journalists being well-informed about AI technology, its impact, and its potential implications in the field of journalism.


The release of the AP’s guidelines on AI use in newsrooms signifies a significant step in shaping the responsible integration of AI technology in journalism. These guidelines provide valuable insights into how AI can be utilized while upholding journalistic standards. As AI continues to advance, it is essential for journalists and news organizations to navigate this landscape with caution, ensuring the preservation of ethical reporting practices and the maintenance of journalism’s credibility. The AP’s ongoing guidance and commitment to updating its guidelines reflect the ever-evolving nature of AI technology and its impact on journalism.

Original News Article – AP and other news organisations develop standards for use of AI in newsrooms

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