Learn as you search using generative AI

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Last updated on August 17th, 2023 at 10:11 am

Learn as you search (and browse) using generative AI. Google is rolling out new generative AI capabilities in its search engine to help users better learn and make sense of information on the web. These upgrades include the ability to preview definitions and see related diagrams or images by hovering over certain words, color-coded syntax highlighting for better understanding and debugging of generated code, and an early experiment called “SGE while browsing” that provides AI-generated key points and allows users to jump to relevant sections in long-form articles. These improvements aim to enhance the search experience and make it easier for users to navigate and digest information online.

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Improvements to AI-generated Responses

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant advancements in recent years, and one area where it has greatly improved is in generating responses. AI-generated responses refer to the text or information generated by AI systems to answer queries or assist users in understanding complex concepts. These responses have become an integral part of search engines and online platforms, providing users with quick and relevant information.

Definitions within AI-generated responses

One of the improvements to AI-generated responses is the inclusion of definitions. When you’re researching something new, you may come across unfamiliar terms or concepts. With AI-generated responses, you can now hover over certain words to preview definitions. This feature makes it easier for you to understand the content without having to perform additional searches or consult external sources. In addition to definitions, AI-powered responses may also include related diagrams or images to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Enhanced understanding of coding information

Another area where AI-generated responses have improved is in coding. Whether you’re a seasoned programmer or just starting out, understanding and debugging code can be a challenging task. AI systems now have the capability to generate code snippets and overviews for various programming languages and tools. To make it easier for users to understand and digest the code, these overviews now come with syntax highlighting. Syntax highlighting color-codes different elements of the code, such as keywords, comments, and strings. This visual distinction helps you quickly identify and comprehend the different components of the code.

SGE While Browsing

While AI-generated responses have been a valuable tool in search engines, there are times when you may need to dig deeper into a topic or navigate lengthy web pages. To address this need, search engines are introducing an early experiment called “SGE while browsing.” This feature allows users to engage more deeply with long-form content from publishers and creators and find specific information faster.

Deep engagement with long-form content

Long-form content, such as articles and blog posts, often contains a wealth of information. However, it can be challenging to locate specific details within such content. With “SGE while browsing,” you can tap on web pages to see AI-generated key points that the article covers. These key points serve as a summary of the article’s main ideas, making it easier for you to grasp the overall content and identify the specific information you’re looking for.

AI-generated key points and links

In addition to providing key points, “SGE while browsing” also includes relevant links within the AI-generated response. These links direct you to specific sections or pages within the article that are related to the key points. This feature saves you time and effort by eliminating the need to manually search for the information within the article. By clicking on the provided links, you can quickly access the relevant parts and obtain a more in-depth understanding of the topic.

Explore on page

To further enhance your browsing experience, “SGE while browsing” introduces a feature called “Explore on page.” This feature allows you to see questions that the article answers and jump directly to the relevant section to learn more. It’s particularly useful when you’re learning something new or complex and want to explore different aspects of a topic. By navigating to the specific section of interest, you can delve deeper into the subject matter and broaden your knowledge.

Opting into SGE while Browsing

To access the benefits of “SGE while browsing,” you can opt into the feature if you’re already a user of AI-generated responses. This means that if you’re already using AI-generated responses in your search queries, you’ll automatically have access to “SGE while browsing” without any additional steps.

For non-users of AI-generated responses, “SGE while browsing” is also available as a standalone experiment. This means that even if you haven’t opted into AI-generated responses before, you can still participate in the “SGE while browsing” experiment. This allows users who may be less familiar with AI-generated responses to experience the benefits and provide feedback on its usefulness and effectiveness.

Benefits of Using Generative AI for Search

Generative AI has revolutionized the way we search for information. The use of AI-generated responses in search engines has numerous benefits for users, making information digestion easier, improving the learning experience, and facilitating various tasks.

Making information digestion easier

AI-generated responses simplify the process of understanding and digesting complex information. By providing concise summaries, definitions, and visual aids, users can quickly grasp the main ideas of a topic without having to sift through lengthy texts. Whether you’re a student trying to comprehend a challenging concept or an individual seeking information on a specific subject, AI-generated responses streamline the learning process and save you valuable time.

Improved learning experience

With the inclusion of definitions, diagrams, and syntax highlighting, AI-generated responses enhance the learning experience. These features cater to different learning styles and facilitate better comprehension. Visual aids, such as diagrams and images, help users visualize abstract or intricate concepts, making them easier to understand. Syntax highlighting in coding overviews enables programmers to spot and understand different elements at a glance, speeding up the learning process and improving coding skills.

Useful for various tasks

AI-generated responses are not limited to academic or technical inquiries. They can be incredibly helpful for a wide range of tasks. Whether you’re searching for a new recipe, researching a product, or seeking information for personal projects or hobbies, AI-generated responses provide quick and relevant information tailored to your specific needs. This versatility makes search engines more useful and accessible for a diverse range of users.

Significance of Generative AI in Search

Generative AI technology has had a significant impact on search engines and online platforms. Its integration into the search experience has led to enhanced search relevance, increased user engagement, and the potential for transforming online education.

Enhanced search relevance

AI-generated responses improve search relevance by providing more accurate and targeted information. As the AI algorithms analyze the content of web pages and understand the user’s search intent, they generate responses that closely align with the user’s needs. This increased relevance ensures that users receive the most relevant information for their queries, leading to a more satisfactory search experience.

Increased user engagement

The introduction of AI-generated responses in search engines has significantly increased user engagement. By providing concise summaries and key points, users can quickly assess the relevance and value of a web page before deciding to read the entire content. This feature saves users time and encourages them to explore more search results, leading to higher overall engagement with the search engine.

Potential impact on online education

The integration of generative AI in search engines has the potential to transform online education. With AI-generated responses providing concise summaries, definitions, and visual aids, learners can quickly access relevant information and understand complex topics more easily. AI-generated responses can also facilitate personalized learning experiences, catering to individual learning styles and adapting to the user’s progress. This technology opens up new possibilities for online education platforms and makes self-directed learning more accessible to a broader audience.

Feedback and Evolution of Generative AI

The development of generative AI in search engines is an ongoing process that relies heavily on user feedback and continuous improvement. Search engine companies gather feedback from users and publishers to refine the generative AI experience and address any areas of improvement.

Gathering feedback from users and publishers

Listening to user feedback is crucial in the evolution of generative AI. Search engine companies actively seek feedback from users to understand their experiences, gather insights, and identify potential issues or areas for improvement. Additionally, publishers play a crucial role in providing feedback on how generative AI affects their content distribution and user engagement. By collaborating with both users and publishers, search engines can fine-tune the generative AI technology to better meet the needs of all stakeholders.

Continuous improvement of generative AI experience

Based on the feedback received, search engines continuously work to improve the generative AI experience. This involves refining the algorithms, enhancing the accuracy and relevance of the generated responses, and addressing any concerns or challenges raised by users and publishers. Continuous improvement ensures that generative AI remains a valuable and reliable tool for users, enhancing their search experience and providing them with the information they need.

Privacy and Control

As with any AI-powered technology, privacy and user control are essential considerations. Search engines incorporate privacy tools to ensure the safety of users online and ensure that users have control over the AI-generated responses they receive.

Privacy tools to ensure safety online

Search engines implement privacy tools to protect users’ personal information and ensure a safe online experience. These tools include measures such as anonymizing data, secure data storage, and adherence to privacy regulations. By prioritizing user privacy and data security, search engines strive to establish a trusted and secure environment for users to explore and access information.

User control over AI-generated responses

Another important aspect of generative AI in search engines is user control. Users have the ability to manage and control their interaction with AI-generated responses. This includes opting in or out of AI-generated responses, providing feedback on the relevance and accuracy of responses, and customizing the settings to align with their preferences. Search engines empower users by putting them in control of their search experience, ensuring that AI-generated responses are a useful tool tailored to their needs.

Latest Updates to Generative AI Experience

Search engines continually work to enhance the generative AI experience, introducing updates and improvements to provide users with the best possible search experience.

Continuous improvements and updates

Search engine companies regularly release updates and improvements to the generative AI experience. These updates may include enhancements to the algorithms, improvements in response accuracy and relevance, and the introduction of new features based on user feedback. By continuously improving the generative AI experience, search engines ensure that users have access to the latest advancements in AI technology.

Addition of more images and videos

To enhance the visual aspect of AI-generated responses, search engines are incorporating more images and videos into the generated content. Visual aids can greatly enhance understanding and engagement, particularly for topics that are better explained through images or videos. By including more visual elements, search engines provide users with a richer and more immersive search experience.

Improved display of links

To make navigation easier and more intuitive, search engines are improving the display of links within the AI-generated responses. Clear and concise link descriptions, along with appropriate formatting and organization, enable users to quickly assess the relevance of a link and determine whether it contains the information they’re looking for. Improved link display ensures that users can efficiently navigate through search results and access the most relevant content.

Getting Started with SGE While Browsing

To take advantage of SGE while browsing, follow these simple steps to get started.

Updating to the latest version of Chrome

To access SGE while browsing on desktop, ensure that you have the latest version of Chrome installed. Regularly updating your browser ensures that you have access to the latest features and improvements.

Opting in for SGE while browsing

If you’re already using AI-generated responses in your search queries, you’ll automatically have access to SGE while browsing. This means that you can start exploring the benefits of deep engagement with long-form content and AI-generated key points and links. Simply continue using your preferred search engine and query as you normally would, and you’ll be able to navigate through web pages more effectively and find the information you need faster.

For non-users of AI-generated responses, SGE while browsing is available as a standalone experiment. To participate in this experiment, visit Search Labs on Chrome desktop and opt into SGE while browsing. This allows you to experience the benefits of deep engagement with long-form content and provide valuable feedback on its usefulness and effectiveness.

Expanding Generative AI in Search

As AI technology continues to advance, search engines are exploring more possibilities and applications for generative AI. The future holds exciting developments that will further enhance the search experience and revolutionize the way we access and understand information.

Future possibilities and developments

The potential applications of generative AI in search are vast. Search engines are continuously researching and testing new ways to leverage this technology to provide users with even more accurate, relevant, and helpful information. From further improvements in natural language processing to real-time translation capabilities, the future of generative AI in search holds exciting possibilities.

Exploring more applications for generative AI

Beyond search, generative AI has the potential to transform various other fields and industries. From online education to customer service, AI-generated responses can provide personalized and tailored experiences. As AI technology advances, search engine companies are actively exploring these potential applications and working towards the integration of generative AI in various domains.


Generative AI has brought significant improvements to how we search for and digest information. With features such as definitions within AI-generated responses, enhanced understanding of coding information, and the introduction of SGE while browsing, search engines are making it easier for users to learn, explore, and access relevant information. As generative AI continues to evolve and expand, users can expect even more enhancements and advancements that will revolutionize the search experience.

Original News Article – Learn as you search (and browse) using generative AI

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