Viral Launch Keyword Manager

Last updated on November 5th, 2023 at 10:57 pm

Are you tired of spending hours researching keywords for your online business? Look no further than the Viral Launch Keyword Manager. This innovative tool takes the guesswork out of keyword research and helps you discover the most effective keywords to boost your online visibility. With its user-friendly interface and powerful analytics, the Viral Launch is a game-changer for entrepreneurs looking to optimize their online presence. Say goodbye to tedious manual keyword research and hello to a more efficient way of driving traffic to your website. Try this tool today and see the difference it can make for your business.

What is Viral Launch Keyword Manager


It is a powerful tool designed to help sellers on Amazon optimize their product listings and improve their search rankings. By effectively managing and analyzing keywords, sellers can boost their product visibility, increase conversion rates, and stay ahead of their competitors.


It offers a range of features to assist sellers in their keyword research and optimization efforts. These features include competitor keyword analysis, keyword research, keyword tracking, and keyword organization. With these tools at your disposal, you can gain valuable insights into your market, identify high-potential keywords, and stay on top of your keyword strategy.


Using Viral Launch Keyword Manager comes with several benefits for Amazon sellers. By leveraging this tool, you can expect increased product visibility, improved search rankings, higher conversion rates, and efficient keyword management. With data-driven keyword strategies, you can optimize your listings and attract more relevant customers, ultimately leading to greater success on the Amazon platform.

How to Use Viral Launch Keyword Manager

Creating an Account

To get started with this keyword tool, you’ll first need to create an account on their website. Simply navigate to their homepage and click on the “Sign Up” button. Fill in the required information and set up your account. Once you’ve completed the sign-up process, you’ll have access to the powerful keyword management tools offered by Viral Launch.

Navigating the Dashboard

Upon logging into your account, you’ll be greeted by the user-friendly dashboard. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the various sections and features available. The dashboard is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of your keyword performance, competitor analysis, and keyword research data.

Uploading Keywords

To make the most of Viral Launch Keyword Manager, it’s vital to upload your relevant keywords. The tool allows you to easily import your existing keyword lists or add new keywords manually. By having all your keywords in one place, you can effectively track and optimize their performance.

Analyzing Keyword Data

Once your keywords are uploaded, this tool will provide you with valuable insights into their performance. You’ll have access to data such as search volume, competition level, and relevant trends. This data will help you make informed decisions and refine your keyword strategy to drive more organic traffic to your product listings.

Implementing Keyword Strategies

With the insights gained from Viral Launch Keyword Manager, you can implement effective keyword strategies to optimize your product listings. Utilize high-performing keywords in your titles, bullet points, product descriptions, and back-end keywords. By strategically incorporating keywords, you’ll increase your chances of ranking higher in Amazon’s search results and reaching a wider audience.

Advanced Features of Viral Launch Keyword Manager

Competitor Keyword Analysis

It allows you to analyze the keywords your competitors are using. By understanding which keywords your competition is targeting, you can gain a competitive edge. Identify high-traffic and low-competition keywords that your competitors may have overlooked, and use them strategically to increase your chances of ranking higher in search results.

Keyword Research

Viral Launch Keyword Manager offers comprehensive keyword research functionality. You can explore relevant keywords for your product niche, analyze their search volume and competition level, and discover new keyword opportunities. The tool provides data-driven recommendations that can be invaluable in optimizing your product listings and attracting more potential customers.

Keyword Tracking

Tracking the performance of your keywords is essential to gauge their effectiveness and make necessary adjustments to your strategy. This magic tool allows you to monitor keyword rankings over time and track changes in search volume and competition. By regularly monitoring your keyword performance, you can identify trends and make informed decisions to maximize your product’s visibility.

Keyword Organization

Effectively organizing your keywords is crucial for efficient management and optimization. With Viral Launch Keyword Manager, you can create customized keyword groups, categorize keywords based on relevance, and track their performance individually. This feature enables you to stay organized and makes it easier to analyze and optimize specific groups of keywords.

Best Practices for Using Viral Launch Keyword Manager

Targeting Relevant Keywords

When using this tool, it’s essential to focus on targeting the most relevant keywords for your product. Relevance is key to attracting customers who are actively searching for products like yours. By identifying and incorporating highly relevant keywords into your product listing, you’ll increase the chances of attracting quality traffic and potential buyers.

Monitoring Keyword Performance

Regularly monitoring your keyword performance is crucial for identifying trends, measuring the impact of your optimization efforts, and identifying new keyword opportunities. With Viral Launch, you can track the rankings and performance of your keywords over time. Regularly assess the data provided by the tool to make informed decisions and refine your keyword strategy.

Regularly Updating and Refining Keywords

The Amazon marketplace is dynamic, with search trends and customer preferences evolving over time. It’s important to regularly update and refine your keywords to stay relevant and maximize your product visibility. Viral Launch Keyword Manager allows you to easily manage your keywords, making it convenient to update and optimize your listings as needed.

Analyzing Competitor Keywords

Staying ahead of your competition is crucial in the highly competitive Amazon marketplace. Viral Launch Keyword Manager empowers you to analyze your competitors’ keyword strategies. By evaluating their keyword choices and identifying gaps or opportunities, you can adjust your own strategy and gain a competitive advantage.

Utilizing Long-tail Keywords

Incorporating long-tail keywords into your product listings can be highly beneficial. Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific phrases that usually have lower search volume but higher conversion potential. Viral Launch Keyword Manager can help you identify relevant long-tail keywords that your competitors may have overlooked. By cleverly utilizing these keywords, you can attract highly targeted customers and increase your chances of conversion.

Viral Launch Keyword Manager

Benefits of Using Viral Launch Keyword Manager

Increased Product Visibility

By using this tool to optimize your product listings, you’ll experience increased visibility on Amazon. Ranking higher in search results for relevant keywords means more potential customers can discover your products, leading to increased sales opportunities.

Improved Search Rankings

Effective keyword optimization is vital for improving your search rankings on Amazon. Viral Launch  provides you with the necessary tools and data to identify high-performing keywords and optimize your listings accordingly. By implementing data-driven keyword strategies, you can climb the search rankings and attract more organic traffic.

Higher Conversion Rates

Relevance is key to converting potential customers into buyers. By using Viral Launch to target the most relevant keywords, you can increase your chances of attracting customers who are actively looking for products like yours. This, in turn, leads to higher conversion rates and ultimately greater success on the Amazon platform.

Efficient Keyword Management

Managing and organizing a large number of keywords can be a daunting task. Viral Launch simplifies this process by offering customizable keyword groups and effortless tracking functionality. With this efficient keyword management system, you can save valuable time and focus on optimizing your listings to drive more sales.

Data-driven Keyword Strategies

This keyword tool empowers you to make informed decisions about your keyword strategies. By analyzing relevant data such as search volume and competition level, you can identify high-potential keywords and optimize your listings accordingly. With data on your side, you can confidently refine your keyword strategy and increase your chances of success.

Comparison of Viral Launch Keyword Manager with Other Tools

Viral Launch Keyword Manager vs. Amazon Keyword Tool

While the Amazon Keyword Tool provides basic keyword data, Viral Launch Keyword Manager offers more advanced features and comprehensive insights. With competitor keyword analysis, keyword tracking, and keyword organization, it provides a more robust and data-driven approach to optimizing your product listings.

Viral Launch Keyword Manager vs. Google Keyword Planner

The Google Keyword Planner primarily focuses on search volume and competition data for keywords on the Google search engine. On the other hand, Viral Launch keyword manager is specifically designed for Amazon sellers, providing insights and tools tailored to the unique requirements of the Amazon marketplace. If you are an Amazon seller, it is the preferred choice.

Viral Launch Keyword Manager vs. Sellics

Sellics offers a range of Amazon seller tools, including a keyword research feature. However, Viral Launch Keyword Manager is dedicated solely to keyword management and optimization. With a more specialized focus and advanced features like competitor keyword analysis, it provides a comprehensive solution for sellers looking to improve their keyword strategy.

Viral Launch Keyword Manager vs. Helium 10

Helium 10 is another popular tool for Amazon sellers, offering various features including keyword research. While both Viral Launch Keyword Manager and Helium 10 provide valuable insights, Viral Launch focuses specifically on keyword management and optimization. It’s advanced features make it a strong contender in the market.

Viral Launch Keyword Manager vs. Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout is a comprehensive suite of tools for Amazon sellers that includes keyword research functionality. However, Viral Launch Keyword Manager is solely focused on keyword management and optimization. If you’re specifically looking for a tool to streamline your keyword strategy, it may be the better choice.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Viral Launch Keyword Manager

Is it suitable for beginners?

Yes, it is suitable for both beginners and experienced sellers on Amazon. The user-friendly interface and comprehensive features make it easy for beginners to navigate, while the advanced functionality caters to more experienced sellers looking to optimize their keyword strategy.

Can I use Viral Launch Keyword Manager for multiple marketplaces?

Currently, it is designed specifically for the Amazon marketplace. However, it may support multiple Amazon marketplaces, allowing you to optimize your product listings across different regions.

How often should I update my keywords in Viral Launch?

Regularly updating your keywords is essential to stay relevant in a dynamic marketplace like Amazon. As search trends and customer preferences change over time, it’s recommended to review and update your keywords at least once a month, if not more frequently.

Can I track the performance of my competitors’ keywords?

Yes, it offers competitor keyword analysis functionality. You can track the keywords your competitors are targeting and identify opportunities to outperform them in search rankings.

Is Viral Launch Keyword Manager compatible with mobile devices?

Currently, this keyword tool is primarily designed for desktop use. However, the website may be accessible on mobile devices, allowing you to access your account on-the-go.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials of Viral Launch

Review 1

“Viral Launch Keyword Manager has transformed the way I handle my Amazon business. The advanced features like competitor keyword analysis and keyword tracking have allowed me to stay ahead of the competition and optimize my product listings effectively. Highly recommended!” – John D.

Review 2

“I’ve tried various keyword tools, but Viral Launch Keyword Manager stands out from the crowd. The data-driven insights and easy-to-use interface have made keyword optimization a breeze. My search rankings and conversion rates have improved significantly since using this tool.” – Sarah K.

Review 3

“Viral Launch Keyword Manager has taken the guesswork out of keyword research for me. The detailed analytics and keyword tracking features have given me the confidence to make data-driven decisions and optimize my listings. I’ve seen a noticeable increase in sales since implementing the strategies provided by this tool.” – Mike S.

Review 4

“As an Amazon seller, time is of the essence. Viral Launch Keyword Manager has helped me save valuable time with its efficient keyword management system. The ability to organize and track my keywords effortlessly has made a significant difference in my productivity and success on the platform.” – Lisa R.

Review 5

“I was skeptical about investing in another keyword tool, but it has exceeded my expectations. The comprehensive features, including competitor analysis and keyword research, have given me the edge I needed to outperform my competitors. My sales have increased, and I now have more time to focus on growing my business.” – Mark W.


Viral Launch Keyword Manager is a valuable tool for Amazon sellers looking to optimize their product listings and improve their search rankings. With advanced features such as competitor keyword analysis, keyword research, keyword tracking, and keyword organization, the tool provides comprehensive insights to elevate your keyword strategy. By using this keyword tool, you can expect increased product visibility, improved search rankings, higher conversion rates, efficient keyword management, and data-driven keyword strategies. Stay ahead of your competitors and drive more sales on Amazon with the power of Viral Launch Keyword Manager.

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